Eileen  Laughlin 'Mot'


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Friday, June 14, 2019
40 Mt Scanzi Road
Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales, Australia
0412 323 969

Obituary of Eileen Teresa Laughlin 'Mot'


Eileen Teresa Laughlin (“Mot” to her family) died peacefully on May 18, 2019 at the grand age of 92, having been visited by her whole family.  

Mot never wanted to turn 90 and was somewhat annoyed when it crept up on her. She would have been happy to have gone out with a blaze years ago, having burned brightly for all of her life. Even so we, her family, are glad to have shared these last years with her.

Mot was a stylish lady with impeccable dress sense, impossibly matching neck pieces and belts, beautifully coiffed hair, a shoe collection that would have made Emelda Marcos jealous and an enduring sense of humour about the whole colourful package.

Mot loved life, reveled in the beautiful place where she lived and was completely content in her own skin and with her own company. She was positive, optimistic, independent and never lonely, despite having lived alone after the death of her beloved husband, Jimmy, in 1993.

A “Farewell to Mot” will be held:

- At “Patanga” her home at 40 Mt Scanzi Rd, Kangaroo Valley
- At 2pm on Friday June 14, 2019.

It will be a joyous occasion where we celebrate the long, healthy, happy life of our Mot, the one and only. It won’t be mournful and we won’t be wearing black; Mot was happy to reach the end and black was a colour she would never wear.

Those who knew Mot as Eileen Laughlin are welcome to join us. In keeping with her standards, dress will be smart and colourful.  

If you plan to join us, please advise by Friday June 7, 2019 so we may know numbers for seating and refreshments. Please call or text 0412 323 969 or email tjames@technoledge.com.au

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